Once again we get to our infusion getaway at 8:30 am for the last of a two-part chemo. You have to psych yourself preparing for another day of this. Like you psych yourself to eat liver as a kid. Or psych yourself for a psycho as president. Well it turns out her white blood count was too low and we had to postpone until next week. But since she was there anyway she had hydration for four hours. Moving this last chemo up a week is stretching the chemo treatments into February. That’s five months of chemo! Five whole months! That’s almost 6 months! That’s almost half a year! No wonder why I’am a complete nutcase!
Good news, good news, good news! They did take her blood for the tumor marker test and her markers have gone from 18 to 12. Now that’s something to be crazy happy about!!
Hey LA ladies, I hope to see you all at the women’s march this Saturday.